Picture this if you can. You have a basement in your home, and you have filled it with 150 dogs in cages. They live down there. When it’s not too cold out, you run fans to circulate the air, and when it’s warm enough you open the windows for some ventilation. It is January in […]
Naperville: Due Diligence Needed on Issue of Retail Pet Sales
On Tuesday night, Naperville city council heard commentary on potential regulation of retail pet sales from 21 speakers over the course of 2 hours, interspersed with pointed questions by board members. Previously, the board requested city staff research the issue and provide recommendations. While having received a good deal of information, the board decided additional due diligence […]
Orland Park Mulls Pet Store Ordinance
On Monday evening, an Orland Park committee convened with a hot topic on the docket – namely, the sale of pets by pet stores within the town boundaries. After a few months of listening to experts explain the details of the symbiotic relationship between pet stores and the puppy mills they source their pets from, as well […]
Wordless Wednesday: Commodities
Which Part of “Pet Stores Sell Puppy Mill Dogs” Don’t You Get?
Ever feel like a broken record? Ever have the sensation of deja vu? How about preaching to the choir?? Sigh. There’s been so much news I wanted to write about lately, matters that are near and dear to our hearts, but it was all about pet stores, puppy mills, and whether to restrict or outlaw […]