Throughout the country, government bodies from local to state are mulling or enacting BSL legislation. We all know you should not discriminate against an animal, any more than you should a human being. I’m proud of our home state, which specifically bans any such ludicrous legislation. But our current laws are now hanging in the […]
BtC4animals, B.O.L.Weekly, BAD RAP and The Honest Kitchen
Breaking News!! And quite a mouthful! Our favorite advocate for animals, Be the Change for Animals, has joined up with Bark Out Loud! Look out world; there is no stopping us animal-lovers now! B.O.L. Weekly began with Twitter, and now provides weekly podcasts featuring current issues of interest to animal welfare. An online community, B.O.L. […]
Let me preface this by saying, with all my heart, there are some really fantastic, extremely competent and dedicated vets. This, however, is not about them. This is one of those occasions where I’m both appalled, yet also not surprised. Sounds strange to even say it, but it’s true. Having dealt with a variety of veterinarians, […]
From the Pit of My Heart
If you’ve never watched or seen this, it’s truly a message from the pit of his heart.If you have, and you’re like me, you never get tired of it.
What a Pit – E
In case you haven’t already guessed it, the “E” is short for Education. Today is National Pit Bull Awareness Day, a time to focus on a much-maligned segment of our pet population. Sonny, looking for a home in St. Louis, As I referred to in my The Unmentionable post, Pit Bulls are merely dogs, […]