Today as we celebrate our heroes, we honor all veterans including our war dogs. Those who see to the special needs of our heroes after they’ve returned home deserve special attention as well. To all who serve our country, Thank You! Woof! Happy Veterans Day!
Happy 8th Birthday CindyLu!
It’s amazing how quickly time goes by…I find it hard to believe it’s been eight years since the little black fur-ball that looked eerily like a negative of a certain Dr. Seuss character came to live with us. CindyLu has weathered a lot of CHANGE over the years. She’s been through quite a bit, both […]
While some folks find Valentine’s Day too gushy sweet or Hallmark-y, it’s a holiday that I’ve always held dear. I see it as a day for us to acknowledge and be grateful for all who love us and make our world brighter. I celebrate my dear family and friends. My furry ones, too. And you. […]
Last-Minute Gift Ideas for Pet Lovers
This is a crazy time of year, isn’t it? All the hustle-bustle is more than just a phrase from a song repeating too often on the radio! So much to do, so many errands to run and places to go, so many people to see and gatherings to attend. And then there’s the gift-giving… Need […]
Have a Safe and Happy 4th of July!
We want you to have a safe, happy Fourth of July. This is a holiday that can be quite stressful for many pets. Please ensure that your pets have plenty of water to drink, and cool, safe places to curl up and hide away if neighborhood fireworks and backyard parties frighten them. Pull out your […]