Okay…guilty here myself…How many times do you enjoy a blog, only to have to dig for any information (let alone a photo, egads!) about the blogger behind the site? And when you do know about the author, doesn’t it make your whole experience more complete? Our blogging community is such a supportive, friendly, helpful part […]
Leek, Staffordshire In Pictures: A Lovely Gift
Every year, just after Thanksgiving, I receive a very special package in the mail. My first Christmas gift, complete with thoughtful card, is delivered to my delight. My friend Gary, of klahanie fame, is the sender of this wonderful gift. A calendar, full of photographs of his town and the surrounding countryside, makes for Christmas […]
Join Us in Protest Against SOPA and PIPA
Tomorrow, January 18th, many major websites will participate in an online strike to protest two bills currently in Congress – the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) in the U.S. House of Representatives and the Protect IP Act (PIPA) in the Senate. We are joining in the strike. SOPA and PIPA are both poorly worded bills […]
Pet Blogger Challenge 2012
Amy Burkert of Go Pet Friendly and Edie Jarolim of Will My Dog Hate Me are once again hosting the awesome Pet Blogger Challenge, and I’ve chosen to take the challenge again this year. Thank you, Amy and Edie, for this great opportunity to reflect and reassess! I participated in the Challenge last year and enjoyed it, but found it […]
Top Ten of 2011
The past year was full of news about the welfare of pets, people doing what they could to improve the lives of animals, and so many, many dogs and cats in need of our attention. Our top ten 2011 posts, plus a guest post, reflect five main categories of these issues. Were you involved with […]