Most of us take our dogs for walks, at least once a day. Me? Well, CindyLu requires long, frequent walks (and ugh, no matter the weather!) Walking your dog is a good thing – healthy for mind and body for both you and your dog. I’m thrilled to learn of an app that can make our walks even more productive! With Walk For a Dog, your recorded walks translate into fundraising for your favorite shelter or rescue.
WoofTrax utilizes the Walk For A Dog application*, which can be downloaded to your SmartPhone through either the iTunes or Android store. Setup couldn’t be easier – list your dogs, choose your shelter or rescue, confirm through an email. That’s it! Then you can start turning your dog walks into funds for your favorite shelter.
How WoofTrax works is quite simple – sponsors are acquired to fund your walks. The more walks there are, the more likely sponsors will want to join this program. And the more walkers who sign up for a particular rescue, the more that will be donated to them. It may not exactly be millions of dollars, but as any shelter or rescue organization will tell you – they are accustomed to working hard for small amounts. And every little bit helps. A lot.
Let all your friends, neighbors, and fellow rescue volunteers know about this app! We can all do something positive to help pets in need. CindyLu is excited that our walkies will now be even more special. We’re off for a walk now!
Note: This is not a sponsored post, nor did we receive any compensation for telling you about this program. We just think it’s totally pawsome.
*This program is currently available to the mainland 48 states.
how cool – we are telling our friends and sharing this on the blog tomorrow
It is, isn’t it? Awesome! Bet they’ll love learning about it!
Hi Y’all!
That is a great idea! Good way to keep everyone motivated!
Y’all come by now,
Hawk aka BrownDog
Hi, Hawk! Yep, it really does add a nice oomph to the walking routine 🙂
That really is cool and if we were dogs we would like that!
Just a note – if you want to do this, and you don’t have a dog — they provide a “dog” you can use, then still work up $$ for your rescue/shelter every time you walk!
Very cool.
We thought so too!
This is Trixie and Lily! We started our new blog (in case you don’t recognize our ID, that is why.) Our Mama says she is going to download this tonight! But first she has to find her phone, which she has misplaced AGAIN!!!
Who hid the phone on her this time – Trixie or Lily? BOL! Well, fellow AHF volunteer – have fun walking for the dogs (and cats)!
I’ll come on by and visit your new blog 🙂
Thanks for helping spread the word! Almost Home Foundation greatly appreciates all those who select them for Walk for a Dog!!! It’s a great way to help animals in everyday activities.
Pity it’s only for you in US :-/ Such a good idea. Sniff and wags from Laika and Vaks.