Hello, October! Hello, Fall! What does this time of year bring thoughts of? Cooler days, less sunshine, apples, Halloween? This season is full of changes to our daily lives. It’s also a reminder that Winter is on the way – and with it, for many of us cold, snow, and icy winds blowing. Photo courtesy […]
Is This What We Created
The human race has bred canines to be dependent upon them. Humans have, through time and calculated breeding, created the dog as we know it today. A creature that is neither wild nor independent, the dog lives and breathes to be with, to serve and to please human beings. And it is this same human […]
Horrible! Disgusting! And – ?
How many times do you hear someone say, “Oh, that’s so sad”? Or, “That’s horrible!”, or “Makes me sick!” or even “I hate people!”? How many times have you uttered something similar yourself? Probably quite a bit. What did you do after you were horrified, after you remarked? Sad truth is, most people do nothing. […]
Catch Me If You Can
Neighborhood feline friend I had the privilege of joining a TNR expert this past weekend, on his usual weekly mission to trap, neuter and then return cats who are strays. Some people refer to wandering cats as ferals; I don’t like the term, it implies a wild animal. Cats who have no home are no […]