Our brutal economy has led to diminished donations at a time when the need couldn’t be greater. With so many people still reeling from the devastating effects of recent years, there are less who feel they can afford to help others. At the same time, the number of those in need is simply staggering. In […]
Horrible! Disgusting! And – ?
How many times do you hear someone say, “Oh, that’s so sad”? Or, “That’s horrible!”, or “Makes me sick!” or even “I hate people!”? How many times have you uttered something similar yourself? Probably quite a bit. What did you do after you were horrified, after you remarked? Sad truth is, most people do nothing. […]
Sears and LG for the Holidays
Okay, got a question for you. What do you call this building? If you’re from Chicago, chances are – Sears Tower. It may have been renamed the Willis Tower, but Chicagoans, loyal to the bone, still prefer Sears. And […]
Feed the Kitty
The cornucopia, a goat’s horn overflowing with harvest. A symbol of our Thanksgiving holiday. A reminder to be grateful for what we are blessed with. Definitions of cornucopia refer to an abundance, inexhaustible or overflowing store, a copious or abundant source; antonyms include deficiency, inadequacy, insufficiency, undersupply. The cornucopia has been a symbol since as early as […]