Share your life with a dog and need to shed a pound or two? Our wonderful friend and mom to Kelly and Ike, Peggy Frezon, has written yet another pawsome book for dog lovers. The Dieting with my Dog Guide to Weight Loss and Maintenance is a terrific book filled with inspiring ideas on how to manage […]
Dieting With My Dog, and Peggy Frezon
Peggy’s two children had grown, moved on to their own lives. Kelly, her spaniel-dachsund, helped to fill the empty-nest void that she and her husband must now adjust to. It was still a difficult transition, though, especially for a mother who works from home as a writer. When Peggy realized that both she and Kelly […]
Desiderata and a Book Tour
Hi, there, CindyLu here! A long time ago, I won a book from Kelly and her mom, Peggy, at Peggy’s Pet Place. Mom says it’s one of the most wonderful gifts she has ever received. With all the sad, maddening news about what happens to so many animals (and people) in the world, she likes to […]