Recently we were awarded the Awesome Blog Award, by Carol at Facing 50 with Humour. Truly honored by this award, and by such a fabulous writer, we stand here humbled! Her blog is a wonderful, funny addition to your day – check it out! So again, 7 more things about myself: I like to sing […]
I Highly Recommend
Awhile back, one of our bloggy friends presented us with an awesome award, the Versatile Blogger Award. Needless to say, I was thrilled! What a cool compliment, and from the most amazing blog, too! Our friend, Wendy, at W. M. Morell’s Musings From Down Under, was the gracious presenter. Wendy is a children’s author, who […]
100 Followers, and An Award!!
So, yesterday we hit a real milestone here – 100 followers on Google! There was a time, not so very long ago for sure, that a number like that seemed impossible for this lil’ ol’ blog. What’s even more amazing, the very same day that my 100th follower joined us, I joined HER BLOG – […]