If you’ve ever seen an image from an undercover investigation of a puppy mill, you know there are dogs living miserable lives just for the profits of breeding puppies. We can help them.

Credit: Dog By Dog Documentary
Dog By Dog is a documentary that examines the various aspects of the puppy mill industry. From the money and politics that support and perpetuate the industry to the folks who use their talents, positions, and compassion to insist on accountability, transparency, and humane care of the dogs affected – this documentary is packed with information. It’s not your typical video about puppy mills!
It behooves each and every one of us to be aware of the history and facts about an industry that has been known to use, abuse, and neglect animals for the sake of profit. Just by watching Dog By Dog, you’ll learn things you didn’t already know. And recommending it to friends and relatives will help to spread that knowledge.
Let’s face it – the best way we can fight the puppy mill industry is with facts. Once people know where that adorable puppy at the pet store really came from, what the trip from there entailed, and what her parents will be subjected to for the remainder of their breeding years…well, enlightenment does much to change the world. One person at a time.
Very much like how we, as people who strive to be the change for animals, seek to make life better for one animal at a time.
You can find Dog by Dog on iTunes, Amazon, OnDemand – and now on Netflix as well.
View it. Recommend it to friends. Let’s put an end to the misery of mills!
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