Okay…guilty here myself…How many times do you enjoy a blog, only to have to dig for any information (let alone a photo, egads!) about the blogger behind the site? And when you do know about the author, doesn’t it make your whole experience more complete? Our blogging community is such a supportive, friendly, helpful part of our lives, and yet we know so little about each other. It’s time for the pets to leave the keyboard and take a nap while the humans behind them come forward and introduce themselves. Readers and fellow bloggers alike can enjoy an unveiling of the important homo sapiens behind our favorite pet blogs this December 18th – join the party!
The idea behind this bloghop is a simple one – we writers hide behind our cameras and monitors, while lavishing our sites with photos and tales of our beloved pets. As a writer, I’m very hesitant to talk about myself, let alone show you the real me. My argument would be that this is about the animals, not me. But hey – every blog post is a piece of the person who wrote it. We writers are “exposed” anyway.
And as readers, we’d love to get to know the people behind our favorite sites. Writers may be a shy bunch, but they’re important to us. We’d truly love to know more about them.
And so the idea of “Meet the Bloggers” is born…readers, now you have a chance to get to know a bit about your favorite bloggers; authors, it’s time to step out from behind the camera. Join the following cohosts for this “revealing” bloghop:
Amy – http://gopetfriendlyblog.com/
A.J. – http://wantmorepuppies.com/
Jodi – http://kolchakpuggle.com/
Mel – https://
Julie – http://
Jennifer – http://mybrownnewfies.com/
Kim – http://
Lauren – http://
Leslie – http://
Jodi – http://www.heartlikeadog.com/
Kristine – http://rescuedinsanity.com/
Peggy – http://
Dawn – http://www.nepapets.com/
For the Readers:
Your favorite bloggers will be baring all (okay, not really) on December 18th. Simply follow along with the blogs linked to the bloghop to learn more about them!
For the Bloggers:
Anyone can join the hop, and as always in our community – the more, the merrier. All you need to do is write a post, link up with the hop, and follow these guidelines:
1. The post must include a current photo of the blogger.
No, you can’t use your best-ever photo from years ago (like mine from my daughter’s wedding, five years ago). Let your readers and fellow bloggers meet the real you, as you are now.
2. Answer at least five, (but more if you’d like!) of the following questions:What’s your favorite non-animal related book?
What’s your favorite non-animal related movie?
What’s your favorite non-animal related food?
Who’s your favorite actor?
What’s one thing you have to do every day?
What makes you feel fabulous?
What do you wish you were more skilled at?
What’s your favorite holiday?
Favorite meal?
What do you like to do in your free time?
What one word would people who know you use to describe you?
If your pets could talk, what one word would THEY use to describe you? What is one thing you’ve done that you’re most proud of?
How is your pet most like you?
What can your body do for you that makes you most proud?
If you could change one thing about your life what would it be?
Other than blogging, what are three things you do that bring you joy?
What’s one thing you could do to be more kind to yourself?
What drives you nuts about your pets? What melts your heart?
If you didn’t have your current pets, what pets would you choose to have?
3. Grab a badge (copy the code), post it to your blog (sidebar, in the post, as you wish):
4. Link up your post to the bloghop on December 18th – Add this code to the end of your blog post:
I need to present this to my Mommy – aka THUMBS.
Love Noodles
Hi, Noodles! Sure hope to see Thumbs on the 18th 🙂
Right on, all this positive excitement is awesome. It’s going to be a real party!
A Pawsome Party! 😉
I can’t wait to see all my favorite bloggers!
Me too, this is the BEST idea!
I have a feeling that this is going to be very fun!
…and I have a feeling you’re right about that! BOL