Every year, just after Thanksgiving, I receive a very special package in the mail. My first Christmas gift, complete with thoughtful card, is delivered to my delight. My friend Gary, of klahanie fame, is the sender of this wonderful gift. A calendar, full of photographs of his town and the surrounding countryside, makes for Christmas all year long. I love this gift!
The calendar is created with photographs from local photographer-extraordinaire, Brett Trafford. Each month features a view from around Leek and the Moorlands.
And this month’s feature?
My favorite photo has to be this one:
Gary, you live in a wondrous place, and Brett captures the beauty of it perfectly.
Thank you, my friend!
You can find Gary and his oft-humorous musings – as well as his expert knowledge of and thoughts about mental illness – at klahanie. Penny, the Jack Russell and Modest Internet Star, allows him to live with her and occasionally blogs, too. Just tell her CindyLu sent you!
Dear Kim and dear CindyLu,
How incredibly thoughtful to post up the calendar of the location where I and Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar, call home. It is indeed a magical place and captured so well by Brett. I know Brett and his photography is widely acclaimed. Rightfully so.
It was our pleasure to send you the calendar. We also hoped that it would bring you some positive thoughts as you move on in your own adventure, Kim.
I’m most grateful to know you and seeing this posting was wonderful after going through two months of the most challenging yet inspirational times of my life.
Bless you and keep smiling.
Your friends, the human Gary and yes, Penny the amazing, lovable dog 🙂
You are the most wonderful friends, and Gary you are an inspiration to all who know you.
And yes, this does indeed help bring about the positive thoughts so very much needed during this time! Thank you!! TR
thanks to YOU we are regular follower’s of Gary’s blog….we LOVE him AND his blog!