There is nothing more sophisticated, flattering, and downright sexy than black. It doesn’t matter what the temperature is outside, or inside for that matter – black is always a great choice.
Black goes with everything, brings out the best in anything. Black is sleek and stylish, never out of fashion. It can be formal, it can be casual. The “little black dress” is no accident. Black Tie is intentional. And when it’s black fur you’re talking about, you can add in mystery, intrigue…even a touch of magic. The allure, the sheen, the glow of light dancing off demure black fur is a sight to behold.
Why then, when we so adore the look of black, do so many people shun black cats? Citing ancient myths of yore, fear of witchcraft lore, claiming they are boring compared to those with color – all such silly notions in this day and age. Yet those are the most common reasons people avoid black cats, choosing instead to adopt the fussy calico, the temperamental tortie, the rowdy redhead, even the tame tabby.
Anyone who has ever had the privilege of sharing their life with a black cat knows The Secret. What is it? I can tell you. Black cats rock. This is no hyped sales pitch, although potential adopters often think it is. I consider myself one of the Lucky Ones. My first cat was black. It was completely by accident, but she taught me a valuable lesson; black cats are truly awesome pets.
With a black cat, you find a creature that is not one to toot its own horn. No fancy looks advertising this cat. Quietly, humbly, the black cat is to be appreciated for what it really is, not for its appearance alone. These cats have amazing personalities, funny and warm and loving, without all the fanfare of colors and patterns. Their eyes are that much more mystical, set off by the surrounding ebony. Their movements are that much more dramatic, muscular flexing contrasted by the light. And they offer the most of what people are really looking for in a cat, true companionship.
Yet the black cat faces adversity, whether on the street, in the shelter, or needing a home. Black cats are abused, tortured, “sacrificed” in archaic rituals; they are among the first in line to be euthanized in high-kill shelters; they are last to be chosen by rescue groups and adopters alike.
It’s time to dispel the myths, break the discriminatory attitudes.
Almost Home Foundation, our favorite pet rescue organization, not only salutes black cats, they open their arms, foster homes and resources to them. AHF does not shy away from accepting black cats in need of a home, even though it takes much longer on average for a black cat to be adopted. They take on the challenge, because they know what I know – The Secret. And the month of August they dedicate to these special creatures.
Throughout August, special attention will be placed on the black cat. The spotlight will shine on that luxurious fur, and the word will be spread about how wonderful a black cat really is. If you’ve never had the opportunity to know a black cat, now is the time. Adopt a black cat. If you can’t adopt, foster one.
Join us in celebrating the beauty and charm of the black cat this month. Yes, it’s still summer, but black is back. For good. And for the better.
p.s. – Did you see? Our own fosters, Candy and Gumdrop, are in the video! Hollywood, here they come!!
Shawn says
I love black cats and all of these are adorable.
Deanne B says
Thank you Cindy Lu for telling people how wonderful black cats are. Black dogs with adorable white spots are pretty special too!
melf says
My last cat was a black cat and I adored him. He used to curl his paw around my hand while slept. How an you not love that? Black is in!
Sam says
It’s not just cats, but dogs, too. I can’t figure out why people must be so superficial about their animals. There are lots of things more important than coat color!
Hilary says
I agree with Sam. Cats and dogs are beautiful whatever color they are… but, given the amount of prejudice out there, between races and religion, I am not shocked to see it carry over to pets…. So sad..
Oskar says
What lovely kitties. My mom person loves black cats.
Nubbin wiggles,
klahanie says
Right then. Okay, I, Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet star, firmly believe that the colour of a cat, be it black, white, or green, as they are on Mars, should be cherished and loved for the gentle non-judgemental creatures they are.
Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses, Penny, a black and white dog that has be confused by some as being a really small cow 🙂
Cat Chat With Caren And Cody says
this was a CATABULOUS post and sooooo important!
Kim says
Thank you, Caren! And yes to all – the color should not matter, there are much more important things to consider!
Gee, Penny, I hadn’t considered animals on Mars, but I’m sure you’re right on target about them being green. I, for one, would never confuse you for a little cow, though!
Thank you all for your support, from a black (with a little bit of white) doggie who knows!
keith says
I agree whit you… and I love black colour!!
Pup Fan says
Absolutely fantastic post! I’ve never understood why people shy away from black animals.
Anonymous says
I love my Shadow, Fluffers and Licorice cats. 2 long hair and 1 short hair cats. They are sooooo sweet and loving.