Are you familiar with Kenzo the Hovarwart? How about his human dad, Leo? Kenzo and Viva, along with their dad, live in Denmark. And as Leo recently quoted Shakespeare…there’s something rotten in the state of Denmark. There sure is, something horribly rotten.
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Photo credit: Purr Photography |
Almost exactly a year ago, Denmark passed a bill that banned 13 breeds of dogs. It is typical Breed-Specific Legislation; go after certain breeds, convinced that those types of pets are killer dogs and cannot be allowed to remain a part of our society, much less of our families. The bill specifically named the breeds, but also included a provision for dogs of mixed-breed origin, should one of the banned breeds be in that mix.
The bill also allows breeders of these now-illegal dogs to continue breeding them. Can someone please explain to me how this possibly makes any sense? Breeders have until 2015 before they must cease bringing more of these unwanted pups into the world. And of course, we all know that most of those breeders are doing so for one reason, and it isn’t a love of the dog. Money rules the day, again.
There are restrictions included in the new law, with regard to these banned dogs. Those who already own one, must have the dog muzzled at all times when outdoors. At least for those families who may have a pet that is on this list, it is good that they don’t have to relinquish him. However, just knowing that dog is now on a “dangerous dog” listing must surely make life more difficult. How many people will overreact upon meeting this pet, how many neighbors will see the dog in a different light?
One more stipulation in the bill is that any dog of the listed breeds, whether purebred or suspected as part of a mixed-breed, cannot be sold or “transferred”. Thus, if someone has one of these dogs and no longer wishes to retain it for whatever reason, it must be euthanized. There is nowhere for this dog to go. One result of this law, then, is the needless killing of dogs. As a friend of mine recently asserted, it is a different kind of holocaust.
As of now, no one has devised any reliable method of determining the true breed of a dog. Unless it has been personally bred by a breeder who files legitimate documentations asserting lineage, one can only decide based on appearance. In addition to the discrimination against a particular type of dog, this now also leads to such behavior against merely looking like a certain type.
I’ve included this before, but don’t believe it ever gets old: Take this test. It demonstrates just how difficult it can be to determine the true breed of a dog. There are many that have similar traits.
Having become disillusioned with the selective coverage given by his country’s media, he now is reaching out to the world. A petition has been created just for those outside of Denmark. A petition in Danish has already gathered over 11,000 signatures – it’s obvious that even the Danes think there’s something rotten. Now those of us who are English-speaking can also lend our voices to the cause.
Please, take a moment and sign the petition. The lives of many innocent dogs are at stake. We need to support Leo in encouraging his country to reverse their BSL stance, and return to sanity.
**Note: I have removed the petition from this post; you may find it on the right sidebar. Hopefully that one will not have the difficulties the one that had been within my post did! ( has been experiencing hacking attacks due to its support of a dissident in China)
Please also drop by Leo’s site for a visit – I’m sure he could use some words of support! Kenzo the Hovawart is a wonderful collection of information about the Hovawart breed, training, daily life with Kenzo, and a love for all dogs.
Kenzo the Hovawart
it’s awful what’s happening in Denmark. strangely shortsighted, for a usually very progressive country.
i didn’t realise the breeders were still allowed to continue breeding new pups. it doesn’t make sense at all. i’m guessing their market is wider than Denmark.
Signed! This is so asinine. We should muzzle grown, adult men since they are twice as likely as women to commit a crime. Makes total sense, right?………………..
And humans are supposed to be the smart bunch…I think not! I signed the petition and visited too!
A very well-written description of all the events that have taken place in Denmark. The support from you and all the people that have signed the petition is heart-warming. You don’t care about nationalities, borders, and breeds. Every pet should have a chance for a good life. The compasion and empathy I experience from all of you is an inspiration.
And it is not just me, the Danish community that is fighting against the breed ban is as excited as I am to hear your voice. Knowing they are not alone is a huge incentive to intensify the fight!
georgia little pea, it struck me too when I first learned of this in Denmark – an unlikely country for such a thing. As for the breeders, I think that’s where a lot of the culling can be attributed to. They breed them, but if they can’t sell them, they’re killed.
Erin, thanks for signing; I like your idea, too!
Brian, thanks so much for signing and visiting. You know all too well the lack of “smart” in a lot of humans!
Kenzo, thank you. I’m thankful to you for leading this good fight, for standing firm on what is right by our dogs. I’m not surprised by all the support you’re receiving, I hope all those in your country are indeed encouraged by it! Best of wishes on this!
Sadly it is not unlike a progressive country to put the “good of the whole” over the needs of the few. That is what progressive countries do. The concept of individual rights and freedoms has little to do with the mob mentality of making the world safe from things that might harm you. That is why it does not surprise me to find this happening in Denmark.
It is tragic. You cannot create happy pets through breed restrictions. Allowing these dogs to be bred, but not rehomed is animal cruelty and stupidity at its worst. Perhaps we can have a SATO program for Europe?
Great post. BSL is such an assault on reason and logic… I hate it! Bravo to you and to Leo.
Hi, Bailey – not sure what you’re referring to with SATO program?
I don’t think that’s what georgia little pea was referring to, about Denmark as a progressive country – our impression of DK is one of a more “live and let live” type of approach.
It is certainly tragic, though, how things are being handled.
Pup Fan – thank you, and thanks for all your support and help in this effort, too!!
SATO brings dogs from Puerto Rico up to no kill shelters in areas that have more opportunities for adoption.
Acutally Denmark does have more progressive policies which do focus on the good of the many over the rights of the individual and that is where these policies come from. Yes, people tend to think of the “nice” side of progressive ideals. However, the downside is that giving up the freedoms that come from giving government the right to legislate for the “good” of the people leads to the people losing rights over issues like what type of dogs they want to own. After all if you want the government to protect you from harm, they have to be able to make decisions like what dogs are safe and which ones are harmful. There are trade offs that only come to light when people lose a freedom that matters to them. In this case it is the freedom to choose your dog breed.
Bailey – okay, now I understand. I wasn’t sure – there’s a labeling system by that name as well! lol Wonder if that would only encourage the breeders. The part about breeders really irks me.
Are you aware of all the BSL in place or proposed in current bills in the U.S.? We’re not exactly progressive, from a global measure, yet we also have this crazy “solution” here as well. Freedom of choice is important. And it’s important, as well, to not make decisions without considering consequences. This BSL idea seems to be springing up all over, as some kind of quick-fix by politicians. It’s really not fixing much, is it?!
Think about all the legislation being passed in this country against fats in foods and various other legislation all for the “good” of people. It is all progressive legislation that is under the umbrella of “helping” people to make better choices or to be safe. If you like the legislation you tend to ignore it. If you don’t then you tend to fight it.
I don’t agree with breed specific legislation because it does nothing to solve the issues of bad owners. Once they finish banning these breeds they won’t stop. They will continue to work to “control” the rights of dog owners with idea that they are protecting people and other innocent pets.
Hi Bailey, I can’t argue with you Denmark is a progressive country. Yet, the BSL (and other equally discriminatory laws) is in the Danish case initiated and implemented by right-wing parties. Parties that speak highly about being able to make individual choices and oppose the whole idea of nursing from craddle to grave.
At least in Denamrk, it is not the political ideology from either left- or right wing that leads to BSL. But populist politicians that use fear as an opportunity to showcase their ability to act.
Europe has a very different definition of right wing and left wing than we do. It isn’t about party it is about progressive ideals. Many parties use them for control and that is the problem.
People use the concept of the general welfare, the good of the people to argue for constricting rights and freedoms.
The problem is we only tend to be concerned when it strikes our home. For instance I don’t have a large breed dog or one that will make the first few lists of dogs. I could sit back and not be concerned. However, as someone who believes in freedom I do see this as a larger issue. If you are willing to see large breed or specific breed owners rights taken what right do I have to my dog rights?
The same pertains to many progressive programs. Those who feel comfortable with others losing their rights for the good of the many sit back. It is not a left or right thing, both sides do it. It is about believing in standing up for your neighbor even when you don’t use the rights they are losing. Even when you may think if they stopped doing something it would be better for them or the general public. Like the laws regarding what to eat, what food you can grow in your yard, etc. Each of these laws comes about because people believe they are for the “good” of the many.
Breed specific laws are no different. They also will not work. You cannot legislate responsible owners. However, they do threaten all of us who own or wish to own dogs in the future regardless of the breed we own. It will not stop with the original list. The time to stop it is with the original list. Once these restrictions become accepted more laws which will hurt the rest of us will come.