Cats that have been fed exclusively a deficient diet (solely the affected lots) may be at risk of a thiamine deficiency. Thiamine is essential to the health and well-being of cats; a deficiency can cause anything from decreased appetite, salivation, vomiting and weight loss to advanced effects seen by neurological symptoms, such as ventriflexion of the neck (bending toward the floor), wobbly walking, circling, falling and seizures. Immediately contact your veterinarian if your cat has eaten food from the listed lots and displays any of these symptoms. Thiamine deficiency is usually completely reversible; be sure to seek your vet’s advice and diagnosis.
Wellness is known as a premium cat food – quality that consumers can count on. As typical with a well-trusted company, Wellpet has issued this recall “out of an abundance of caution” – not all products within the list below are deficient. If you purchased any of the products, discontinue use immediately, and call Wellpet at 877-227-9587, Monday through Friday 9:00am to 7:00pm EST or visit their website at www.wellnesspetfood.com, to arrange for a return of the product.
The products included in the voluntary recall are:
Wellness Canned Cat Food (all flavors and sizes), best by dates of 14APR 13 through 30SEP 13
Wellness Canned Cat Food Chicken and Herring (all sizes), best by dates of 10NOV 13 and 17NOV 13
“As a pet parent myself I’m concerned for the health and welfare of all pets, and as a company we are committed to delivering the most nutritious natural pet food. Even though the chance of a cat developing a thiamine deficiency is extremely remote, we are recalling all of these lots of our canned cat food as an extra precaution.” – Tim Callahan, Chief Executive Officer, Wellpet LLC, maker of Wellness pet food.
Source: FDA
Thanks for the info. We don’t use Wellness (it gives Layla an allergic reaction), but hopefully those who feeds it will see it!
Thanks for the post. It’s scary how many recalls there are out there.
Thank you for letting us know. Good to spread the word and keep those kitties safe.
I glad to know! I am sure all the kitteh parents will make sure their bebehs don’t eat this stuff. 🙂
I still swear by Dick Van Patton’s Natural Balance. It’s not cheap but my 7 cats deserve the best.
That’s a good one! As for price – really, it probably costs less than “cheaper” ones, overall. I love to hear about good pet foods!