Folks, I just have to introduce you to one of my dear, dear friends – Penny, the Jack Russell and Modest Internet Star. She’s got quite a long name, no? Penny and her dad, Gary, are someone’s you just have to know!!
Gary writes a blog called Klahani, in which he declares that he is challenging his inner critic. He’s a radio star! And he made no bones about it on the air, either, that he struggles with a mental illness. He wants the world to stop treating mental illnesses the wrong way, and to start looking at all the positive stories that are involved. Being a rather pawsitve girl myself, I totally agree with him! I, for one, have also been pretty tired of people looking at this subject from the wrong angle.
It always amazes me, too, that people can’t comprehend that dogs can suffer from mental illness as well. Humans don’t have a claim on it, you know, people! Dogs and cats both, and I’ll betcha other animals, definitely suffer from anxieties, depression – and Mom says she even had a cat once who was bona-fide schizophrenic. If you get educated about mental illness, you find out it’s a brain disease, just like you can have the sickies in other parts of your body. Often it’s sickies that make everyday living very hard for people or animals who are afflicted. We need to learn, understand – and celebrate all the accomplishments that have been made in dealing with these illnesses, or the successes in overcoming the obstacles!
Mom’s absolute favorite post of Gary’s is a recent one, ——————–. She found it hilariously funny, and oh, so true! I have to say, she loves to read his blog all the time. Gary is spreading smiles around the world J
So…I’m super excited, because lil’ ol’ moi has been granted a prestigious award by Penny and Gary – just hear my paws tapdancin’ –
The Gold Framed Dog Blog Award!
I couldn’t be more humbled, more honored. And Gary is the artist who created this award! Isn’t it beautiful? Penny is such a star; I can’t believe I now have an award from her. I wish I could have dinner with her, but she’s all the way over in England. We have to settle for internet chat.
Penny, Gary – Muah! Thank you!!
To spread the love, I’d like to present this award to a few of my friends who, in the spirit this award is intended, pawsitively affect the lives of us animals. These honorees are so very deserving of this award, and are truly awesome blogs to visit – they are all my friends from #BtC4 (Be the Change for Animals) –
Kim Clune This One Wild Life
Amy Burkert Go Pet Friendly
Vicki Cook BunnyJeanCook
Maggie Marton Oh My Dog Blog
Peggy Frezon Peggy Frezon
Shauna Stewart Fido and Wino
Mary Haight The Dancing Dog Blog
If you aren’t familiar with them yet, you will love their blogs, I guarantee it! Enjoy!!
And Gary, Penny — THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart for this pawsome honor! Penny – love you, girlfriend!
Cindy Lu’s muse, my closest to a cat-person blogger friend 🙂
Of course, I believe cats can be mentally ill. There are many mad ones in my neighborhood, as I think you know :p
CONGRATS on your award. Nice to see a different one!
lol…well, I am a cat-person! Just happen to be a dog one, too 🙂
ONLY you would talk about mad cats in the neighborhood…lol…you’ve brought huge smiles to my face today – thank you!
Hi CindyLu,
Yes, it’s me, Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet star 🙂 My sincere apologies for my late arrival in responding to your posting. I had an extra long nap.
Anyway, I just wanted to thank you for your kind and thoughtful posting regarding my award I bestowed upon you. I also want to thank you in regards to Gary. I know he is not well, but with my love, support and encouragement, he has realised that his mental health issues are only a small part of who he is. Gary has told me he tries to live with, rather than, suffer from his mental health concerns 🙂
Us fragile creatures of this planet demonstrate unconditional, non-judgemental love. We do so hope more humans learn from our example.
Congrats on your well deserved award on this kind and caring site. Congrats to those you have passed it onto. I shall duly check them out.
Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses, your way, Penny xx
Great post… and congrats! I love the photo accompanying the award. 🙂
@Pup Fan – yes! It’s an awesome photo, love it too. Penny is a darling.
@Klahanie – Oh, Penny, Gary is fortunate to have you. He must be a really great human, and I know what you mean, about how humans need us but also can learn from us. You are one smart pup! And Gary’s obviously one smart guy, too. Mom loves to read his blog. Thank you again for this auspicious award! I am truly, truly honored 🙂