Not Ashley or Nikki, that’s for sure! The two are the combined powerhouse behind I love Rescue Animals, and apparently there’s not much they wouldn’t do on behalf of our beloved, homeless animals. Their latest project, 365 Days of Animal Advocacy, is a testament to their commitment.
The plan? Throughout this year, they will wear a different shirt each (and every) day, representing an animal advocate; whether it be the mega-organization of the ASPCA, shelters from big cities or small towns, rescue groups from across the country, advocacy groups that work in specific areas or special events involving rescue pets — I Love Rescue Animals will present the myriad of groups and individuals who work on behalf of homeless animals and defend their rights.
The hope is to raise awareness of not only the needs of our homeless animals, and the issues surrounding them, but also to perhaps ignite a spark of enthusiasm and a desire for more to get involved. Our animals need us – as the shirt says, We are their voice!
And Nikki and Ashley will be doing something that speaks louder than words. Our best wishes for success in this awesome program!!
Please visit their website – I Love Rescue Animals, and subscribe to it so you can read about all the efforts everywhere to help homeless animals. If you are part of a group or organization, or know of an event, please consider sending in a shirt! This would be your opportunity to tell the world about what you are doing to help rescue pets!
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