Perhaps one of the most important resources for information and research on cat health, conditions and diseases is the Winn Feline Foundation. It was founded in 1968 by the Cat Fanciers’ Association; with its longstanding presence it has provided insight, data, and discoveries that benefit the health and life of cats.
The 501(c)(3)foundation serves as a means of obtaining the funding necessary, and as such has provided much-needed funding and donations for, vital projects related to cats’ health and well-being. It is the only organization devoted completely to research on cat health. Over 30 universities have received the money needed for research worldwide. Winn works closely with the Cat Fanciers’ Association, Feline Pine, Fort Dodge Animal Health, IDEXX Laboratories, Intervet/Scherring-Plough Animal Health, Google. Inc, Pfizer Animal Health, Royal Canin and Veterinarian Information Network. Through these and a vast network of organizations, Winn also provides the information and tools needed by veterinarians and those working in animal health fields to best care for felines.
Some of the major research Winn is currently funding involves FIP, heart and organ conditions, viable pain medications, causes and treatments for the common conditions of diabetes and liver disease, cancer and genetically determined conditions. These are all very important to the cat world; increasingly, we are realizing that much of what happens in our cats’ health depends greatly on environmental, pharmaceutical, nutritional or genetic influences. This foundation actively strives to fund the research projects necessary for gaining new, insightful and hopefully progressive information.
There is usually a widget at the bottom of this page, with links from Winn on their latest news in their blog. I suspect it is “update” time, and hope to see it reappear soon. The blog itself, though, is a great link to bookmark – one can never have enough solid, reliable information. You can also go to their Health Library, where you’ll find a directory of subjects to choose from. Not only vets, but individual cat owners can access this important information; just keep in mind if your cat seems ill, it’s wise to see a veterinarian. There is also an invaluable tool for cat owners to download – CATegorical Care, a guideline on caring for your cat. The download is free!
Anyone can donate to this wonderful organization – I have, and found it particularly helpful as a means of doing something when honoring a friend’s or relative’s loss of a pet. There are special funds established for various conditions: Ricky’s Fund, which focuses on HCM/hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (common in Maine Coons, among others), the Bria Fund, for research on that nasty and despised disease of FIP (feline infectious peritonitis), allocations for several particular breeds and their genetic predispositions, and condition/illness specifications. This allows you to direct your donation to the cause of your choice. The Winn Foundation is working to better our ability to care for our cats, and the opportunity for each of us to join in the efforts makes it all that much more worthwhile.
Source: Winn Feline Foundation
Image source: Google Groups, Winn Feline Foundation
Thanks for sharing all of this wonderful information about this great organization!
Nubbin wiggles,