241 Cats Seized From Storage Space |
I realize I might ruffle a few feathers, so to speak, but I hold strong views about some things, and these latest events only compel me to speak my piece. I am all for rescuing animals, caring for them, hopefully finding them homes. What I am not for, is a misguided attempt by some people who seem to feel that an animal is better off locked away in a cage (or carrier), with little to no stimulation or enjoyment. Or, stuffed away in a room or building with a zillion others to share tight and stressful quarters. To me, a shorter life is better than a long, miserable one.
They have become part of a normal day. Someone who is there first thing in the morning and last thing at night.
Over two decades of working alongside them professionally and personally, it only made sense to take it one step further and start a rescue.
A creature who is there alongside you through happiness and joy, sadness and pain and does not once pass judgment on any mistakes that are made along the way.
They never to hold a grudge and never criticize.
A teacher that teaches us to be patient, kind and understanding. A responsibility that is life long.
It is time to rescue those that have ended up in a situation undeserving to anything that lives and breathes and to continue a legacy that they taught us all those years ago
Help us to help them.
Then there’s the story that came out on Friday, of a woman from my neck of the woods, in Deer Park, Illinois. Apparently her estranged husband contacted authorities after he went there to pick up some of his things. Inside the house, authorities found 18 dead dogs, 2 dead birds, and 4 emaciated, dehydrated dogs, as well as 2 cats. She had been running a rescue out of this house, and from the husband’s explanation, got in over her head, with finances and health as factors. The rescue closed a year ago, but there were still animals remaining there. Apparently the dogs died of starvation; the remaining animals are now being treated. The above quote I found on the website for the former rescue. Hard to believe, huh? And there are so many stories like these across the country, around the world.
CBS Los Angeles
WGNTV News Video
Chicago Examiner
Caren Gittleman says
I have to agree with you. In many cases it just amounts to hoarding which is a psychological condition. (illness)